What We Do
Our Society preserves the memory, contributions, and achievements of the 100th Regiment in the defence and development of Canada through our research, historical interpretation, and youth employment programs.
Our Research Program conducts ongoing research to learn more about the historical regiment, its members, and what daily life was like during the regiment’s existence. We also respond to inquiries from the public and from descendants seeking more information on their ancestor.
Our Historical Interpretation Program began in 2014 and is open to both members of the Society and the public.
It consists of volunteers who are split between two components. One represents the field musicians who played drums, fifes, and bugles and the other represents the various company soldiers who made up the regiment. Together they bring the regiment to life performing music and drill while dressed and equipped in a manner that accurately reflects the original unit as it would have appeared in garrison during the summer of 1814.
This recreated regiment participates regularly in local community events and also travels to national historic sites and special events around Ontario.
What program are you looking for?

Learn more about the regiment and its members.

Join the Corps of Drums
Become a field musician playing the snare drum, fifer or bugle. Learn to play the regiment's duty calls and a variety of military and folk music from the period.

Youth Employment Program
Learn more about employment program opportunities.

Join the Infantry
Become a soldier in 1814 and take your place in our ranks.
Learn to drill and fire a black powder flint lock musket.