
The 100th Regiment Historical Society was incorporated in 2013 as a non-profit organization located in Ottawa, Ontario.
The Society’s purpose is to:
- Promote and commemorate the memory, contributions, and achievements of the 100th (Prince Regent’s County of Dublin) Regiment of Foot in the defence and development of Canada.
- Encourage historical interpretation & research in the community.
- Operate a program for youth that stimulates an interest in history, research, 19th century music, and effective speaking while developing a sense of pride and discipline through their involvement as historical interpreters.
- Advance education by hosting events, displays, exhibitions and performances; supporting programs offered by museums, historic sites, and all levels of government; and by producing educational material.
The Historical Regiment
The 100th (County of Dublin) Regiment of Foot was raised in Ireland for service during the Napoleonic Wars. It arrived in North America in late 1805 and during the next 13 years spent its time in garrison posts from what we know today as the Maritimes to the western end of Ontario.
On May 4th, 1812, the War Office approved that the regiment’s name would in future be styled “The 100th (or His Royal Highness the Prince Regent’s County of Dublin) Regiment.”
During the War of 1812, the 100th Regiment played a critical role in defending Canada participating in actions in both Upper & Lower Canada, and the United States. Several companies also acted as marines aboard ships on the Great Lakes.
Some of the regiment’s actions include:
– Battle of Sackets Harbor (May 1813)
– Capture of vessels Growler & Eagle (June 1813)
– Murray’s Raid (July to Aug 1813)
– Capture of Fort Niagara (Dec 1813)
– Raids on Buffalo & Black Rock (Dec 1813)
– Battle of Chippawa (July 1814)
– Siege of Fort Erie (Aug to Sept 1814)
– Skirmish at Cook’s Mills (Oct 1814)
On May 27th, 1815 the regiment was awarded the battle honour of ‘Niagara’ for their distinguished conduct in the capture of Fort Niagara by assault on the night of 19th December 1813.
On February 23rd, 1816, the War Office gave notice that the 95th Regiment would in future be styled the Rifle Brigade and taken out of the numbered Regiments of the Line. All following regiments had their unit number altered with the 100th Regiment to be renumbered the 99th retaining the title of H.R.H the Prince Regent’s County of Dublin Regiment.
The 99th (late 100th) Regiment was disbanded in 1818 and members were offered a choice between land in Canada or transport back to England with many accepting grants of land. The largest concentration of the regiment’s discharged soldiers was in the military settlement of Richmond. The village of Richmond is now part of the City of Ottawa.
Connection with Ottawa Ontario
In 1818, many of the disbanded members of the regiment chose to stay in Canada. Of those who decided to stay, a large portion took their land grants in a new military settlement on the Jock River in North Eastern Upper Canada. There they established the Village of Richmond which is now part of the City of Ottawa.
These new settlers landed near the area where the Canadian War Museum now stands and setup camp. There they left their families and proceeded towards their new settlement cutting the Richmond Road.
Today you can visit the area where the settlers first landed, drive the Richmond Road, and visit the Village of Richmond where many of the streets are named after officers of the regiment. Many descendants of the original members of the regiment still live and work in the Ottawa area.